Saturday, December 20, 2014

Slow Down

We are five days pre-Christmas and I have so much to DOOOOO! But. . .I am in the midst of a very bad flare up of my fibromyalgia. How annoying. It's Christmas. Doesn't my body know I need to send cards, buy gifts, bake cookies, go to parties, clean the house, and on and on?

This week end I've committed to rest. Sleep in, sit down, slow down, NOT stress, do as little as possible. Seriously? The week end before Christmas and my body is forcing me to rest!? Are you kidding me?

And yet, as I think about it, shouldn't that really be what we do at Christmas? We seem to have gotten so caught up in the busyness of Christmas; the "shoulds" of Christmas. I should do this and that. But Christmas should really be a time of reflection, of peace, of love, joy, family. It's hard to enjoy the season when I'm running frantically around trying to DO so much, instead of just BEING.

I've often said that my fibro is a gift. It's hard to think of utter exhaustion and chronic pain as a gift, and yet, it forces me to slow down.

So, it's the week end before Christmas. I've sent no cards. Baked no cookies. I'm relying on others to clean my house. But this only makes me stressed if I let it. Does a lack of cookies and cards mean that I'll enjoy my Christmas less? Only if I let it. My parents are coming in two days. I am focusing on the joy of family. My parents, my kids, my husband. . .all together just enjoying each other. We don't need cards and cookies and a perfectly clean floor to find joy and love in one another's company.

"For the joy of human love,
Brother, sister, parent, child.
Friends on earth and friends above.
For all gentle thoughts and mild.
Lord of all to Thee we raise,
This our song of grateful praise."

     -For the Beauty of the Earth

I'm going to enjoy the simple gifts this year. Family and Faith and Food. Songs and Laughter and Gifts. Silence and Reflection and Love.

Merry Christmas to all!

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